Это форма быстрой регистрации. Сразу после ввода регистрационных данных Вы сможете пользоваться функцией "избранное"

Для регистрации Вашей компании с целью подачи объявлений нужно будет также подтвердить Вашу регистрацию с помощью ссылки, которая будет отправлена на указанный Вами адрес электронной почты.

Молоток отбойный DeWalt D25899K

Отбойный молоток DeWalt D25899K. Корпус: магниевый сплав, многопозиционная рукоятка.
Размеры/вес основного устройства: 650 x 250 мм/9,6 кг.
Уровень вибраций: 12 м/с. Патрон: SDS-max.
Число ударов: 2040 уд./мин.
Энергия удара: 25 Дж.
Гарантия: 1 год; бесплатное обслуживание в течение следующих 6 месяцев
Компактный дизайн и эргономичный корпус; функция плавного пуска для точности работы; возможность закрепления долота в 12 позициях; многопозиционная боковая рукоятка для удобной работы.
Производитель: Германия.


  • 2 761 900 руб. За штуку


  • тип привода: Не указано
  • Потребляемая мощность при непрерывной работе, Вт: 1500
  • Число ударов с минуту, мин-1: 2040
  • Энергия удара, Дж: 25
  • Диаметр хвостовика, мм: 0
  • Длина, мм: 0
  • Ширина, мм: 0
  • Высота, мм: 0
  • Mасса, кг: 0
ООО "Радаксис"

Отдел продаж

Адрес: 220015 г.Минск ул.Берута д.22 к.1
  • (017) 251-43-07
  • (017) 252-38-44
  • (017) 228-29-86
  • (017) 252-65-87
Электронная почта:
Веб-сайт: www.radaxis.by

Ключевые слова:

Молоток отбойный DeWalt D25899K

Похожие объявления

Грунтовка тонирующая "Baumit Grund Extra"
Гипохлорит натрия (натрий хлорноватистокислый) NaOCl

Расскажите знакомым


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Все права защищены

8 (017) 285-34-43

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  62. [0.14 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`title` AS `a__title`, `a`.`description` AS `a__description`, `a`.`revision` AS `a__revision`, `a`.`advertiser_id` AS `a__advertiser_id`, `a`.`contact_group_id` AS `a__contact_group_id`, `a`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a__attribute_group_id`, `a`.`category_id` AS `a__category_id`, `a`.`images` AS `a__images`, `a`.`locked_by` AS `a__locked_by`, `a`.`approved` AS `a__approved`, `a`.`last_message` AS `a__last_message`, `a`.`last_resolution` AS `a__last_resolution`, `a`.`last_moderator_changes` AS `a__last_moderator_changes`, `a`.`retail_available` AS `a__retail_available`, `a`.`wholesale_available` AS `a__wholesale_available`, `a`.`payer_id` AS `a__payer_id`, `a`.`created` AS `a__created`, `a`.`changed` AS `a__changed` FROM `ads__model__advertisement` `a` WHERE (`a`.`id` = ?) LIMIT 1
    • bindings:
    • 22139
  63. [0.05 ms] fetch
  64. [0.03 ms] fetch
  65. [0.05 ms] prepare
  66. [0.17 ms] SELECT `c`.`id` AS `c__id`, `c`.`1c_id` AS `c__1c_id`, `c`.`name` AS `c__name`, `c`.`phones` AS `c__phones`, `c`.`address_id` AS `c__address_id`, `c`.`advertiser_id` AS `c__advertiser_id`, `c`.`payer_id` AS `c__payer_id`, `c`.`email` AS `c__email`, `c`.`revision` AS `c__revision`, `c`.`approved` AS `c__approved`, `c`.`locked_by` AS `c__locked_by`, `c`.`last_messsage` AS `c__last_messsage`, `c`.`last_resolution` AS `c__last_resolution`, `c`.`last_moderator_changes` AS `c__last_moderator_changes`, `c`.`keywords` AS `c__keywords`, `c2`.`id` AS `c2__id`, `c2`.`company_id` AS `c2__company_id`, `c2`.`1c_locked` AS `c2__1c_locked`, `c2`.`command_id` AS `c2__command_id`, `c2`.`approved` AS `c2__approved`, `c2`.`is_paying` AS `c2__is_paying`, `c2`.`main_payer_id` AS `c2__main_payer_id`, `c2`.`description` AS `c2__description`, `c2`.`email` AS `c2__email`, `c2`.`website` AS `c2__website`, `c3`.`id` AS `c3__id`, `c3`.`has_logo` AS `c3__has_logo`, `c3`.`unp` AS `c3__unp`, `c3`.`property_type_id` AS `c3__property_type_id`, `c3`.`name` AS `c3__name`, `c3`.`phone1` AS `c3__phone1`, `c3`.`phone2` AS `c3__phone2`, `c3`.`legal_address_id` AS `c3__legal_address_id`, `c3`.`real_address_id` AS `c3__real_address_id`, `c3`.`template_id` AS `c3__template_id`, `c3`.`1c_id` AS `c3__1c_id`, `c3`.`locked_by` AS `c3__locked_by`, `c3`.`original_company_id` AS `c3__original_company_id` FROM `companies__model__contact_group` `c` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__advertiser` `c2` ON `c`.`advertiser_id` = `c2`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__company` `c3` ON `c2`.`company_id` = `c3`.`id` WHERE (`c`.`id` = ?)
    • bindings:
    • 1345
  67. [0.05 ms] fetch
  68. [0.03 ms] fetch
  69. [0.04 ms] prepare
  70. [0.14 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`advertisement_id` AS `a__advertisement_id`, `a`.`measuring_unit_id` AS `a__measuring_unit_id`, `a`.`price` AS `a__price`, `a2`.`id` AS `a2__id`, `a2`.`name` AS `a2__name`, `a2`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a2__attribute_group_id` FROM `ads__model__advertisement_price` `a` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__measuring_unit` `a2` ON `a`.`measuring_unit_id` = `a2`.`id` WHERE (`a`.`advertisement_id` = ?)
    • bindings:
    • 22139
  71. [0.04 ms] fetch
  72. [0.03 ms] fetch
  73. [0.04 ms] prepare
  74. [0.17 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`tag_id` AS `a__tag_id`, `a`.`advertisement_id` AS `a__advertisement_id`, `a2`.`id` AS `a2__id`, `a2`.`name` AS `a2__name`, `a2`.`cardinality` AS `a2__cardinality`, `a2`.`approved` AS `a2__approved` FROM `ads__model__advertisement_tag` `a` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__tag` `a2` ON `a`.`tag_id` = `a2`.`id` WHERE (`a`.`advertisement_id` = ? AND `a2`.`approved` = 1)
    • bindings:
    • 22139
  75. [0.04 ms] fetch
  76. [0.03 ms] fetch
  77. [0.04 ms] prepare
  78. [0.14 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`attribute_id` AS `a__attribute_id`, `a`.`value_num` AS `a__value_num`, `a`.`value_str` AS `a__value_str`, `a`.`advertisement_id` AS `a__advertisement_id`, `a2`.`id` AS `a2__id`, `a2`.`name` AS `a2__name`, `a2`.`type` AS `a2__type`, `a2`.`values` AS `a2__values`, `a2`.`order` AS `a2__order`, `a2`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a2__attribute_group_id` FROM `ads__model__attribute_value` `a` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__attribute` `a2` ON `a`.`attribute_id` = `a2`.`id` WHERE (`a`.`advertisement_id` = ?) ORDER BY `a2`.`order` ASC
    • bindings:
    • 22139
  79. [0.04 ms] fetch
  80. [0.05 ms] fetch
  81. [0.04 ms] fetch
  82. [0.04 ms] fetch
  83. [0.04 ms] fetch
  84. [0.04 ms] fetch
  85. [0.04 ms] fetch
  86. [0.04 ms] fetch
  87. [0.04 ms] fetch
  88. [0.04 ms] fetch
  89. [0.6 ms] SELECT `c`.`id` AS `c__id`, `c`.`name` AS `c__name`, `c`.`1c_id` AS `c__1c_id`, `c`.`physical` AS `c__physical`, `c`.`priority` AS `c__priority` FROM `common__model__property_type` `c`
  90. [0.04 ms] prepare
  91. [0.62 ms] SELECT `c`.`id` AS `c__id`, `c`.`street_id` AS `c__street_id`, `c`.`house_num` AS `c__house_num`, `c`.`house_additional` AS `c__house_additional`, `c`.`housing_num` AS `c__housing_num`, `c`.`office_num` AS `c__office_num`, `c`.`office_additional` AS `c__office_additional`, `c`.`cache` AS `c__cache`, `c`.`raw_data` AS `c__raw_data`, `c`.`postal_index` AS `c__postal_index` FROM `common__model__address` `c` WHERE (`c`.`id` = ?) LIMIT 1
    • bindings:
    • 4634
  92. [0.04 ms] fetch
  93. [0.04 ms] fetch
  94. [0.04 ms] prepare
  95. [0.42 ms] SELECT `c`.`id` AS `c__id`, `c`.`company_id` AS `c__company_id`, `c`.`1c_locked` AS `c__1c_locked`, `c`.`command_id` AS `c__command_id`, `c`.`approved` AS `c__approved`, `c`.`is_paying` AS `c__is_paying`, `c`.`main_payer_id` AS `c__main_payer_id`, `c`.`description` AS `c__description`, `c`.`email` AS `c__email`, `c`.`website` AS `c__website` FROM `companies__model__advertiser` `c` WHERE (`c`.`id` = ?) LIMIT 1
    • bindings:
    • 1387
  96. [0.04 ms] fetch
  97. [0.03 ms] fetch
  98. [0.04 ms] prepare
  99. [1.04 ms] SELECT COUNT(`a`.`id`) AS `a__0` FROM `ads__model__advertisement` `a` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__advertisement_service` `a2` ON `a`.`id` = `a2`.`advertisement_id` WHERE (`a2`.`service_id` = ? AND `a2`.`enabled` = 1 AND `a`.`advertiser_id` = ?)
    • bindings:
    • 1
    • 1387
  100. [0.04 ms] fetch
  101. [0.03 ms] fetch
  102. [0.05 ms] prepare
  103. [1.59 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`title` AS `a__title`, `a`.`description` AS `a__description`, `a`.`revision` AS `a__revision`, `a`.`advertiser_id` AS `a__advertiser_id`, `a`.`contact_group_id` AS `a__contact_group_id`, `a`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a__attribute_group_id`, `a`.`category_id` AS `a__category_id`, `a`.`images` AS `a__images`, `a`.`locked_by` AS `a__locked_by`, `a`.`approved` AS `a__approved`, `a`.`last_message` AS `a__last_message`, `a`.`last_resolution` AS `a__last_resolution`, `a`.`last_moderator_changes` AS `a__last_moderator_changes`, `a`.`retail_available` AS `a__retail_available`, `a`.`wholesale_available` AS `a__wholesale_available`, `a`.`payer_id` AS `a__payer_id`, `a`.`created` AS `a__created`, `a`.`changed` AS `a__changed`, `a2`.`id` AS `a2__id`, `a2`.`service_id` AS `a2__service_id`, `a2`.`advertisement_id` AS `a2__advertisement_id`, `a2`.`enabled` AS `a2__enabled`, `a2`.`preorder` AS `a2__preorder` FROM `ads__model__advertisement` `a` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__advertisement_service` `a2` ON `a`.`id` = `a2`.`advertisement_id` WHERE ((`a2`.`service_id` = ? AND `a2`.`enabled` = 1) OR (`a2`.`service_id` = ? AND `a2`.`enabled` = 1)) GROUP BY `a`.`id` HAVING COUNT(`a`.`id`) = 2
    • bindings:
    • 1
    • 13
  104. [0.06 ms] fetch
  105. [0.06 ms] fetch
  106. [0.05 ms] fetch
  107. [0.05 ms] fetch
  108. [0.05 ms] fetch
  109. [0.05 ms] fetch
  110. [0.05 ms] fetch
  111. [0.06 ms] fetch
  112. [0.05 ms] fetch
  113. [0.05 ms] fetch
  114. [0.06 ms] fetch
  115. [0.06 ms] fetch
  116. [0.06 ms] fetch
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  118. [0.05 ms] fetch
  119. [0.05 ms] fetch
  120. [0.05 ms] fetch
  121. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  124. [0.05 ms] fetch
  125. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  138. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  140. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  276. [0.05 ms] fetch
  277. [0.05 ms] fetch
  278. [0.06 ms] fetch
  279. [0.05 ms] fetch
  280. [0.05 ms] fetch
  281. [0.05 ms] fetch
  282. [0.05 ms] fetch
  283. [0.05 ms] fetch
  284. [0.05 ms] fetch
  285. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  287. [0.06 ms] fetch
  288. [0.05 ms] fetch
  289. [0.05 ms] fetch
  290. [0.04 ms] fetch
  291. [0.06 ms] fetch
  292. [0.05 ms] fetch
  293. [0.06 ms] fetch
  294. [0.04 ms] fetch
  295. [0.06 ms] fetch
  296. [0.05 ms] fetch
  297. [0.04 ms] fetch
  298. [0.04 ms] fetch
  299. [0.06 ms] fetch
  300. [0.05 ms] fetch
  301. [0.06 ms] fetch
  302. [0.05 ms] fetch
  303. [0.06 ms] fetch
  304. [0.05 ms] fetch
  305. [0.05 ms] fetch
  306. [0.05 ms] fetch
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  308. [0.06 ms] fetch
  309. [0.05 ms] fetch
  310. [0.05 ms] fetch
  311. [0.05 ms] fetch
  312. [0.05 ms] fetch
  313. [0.04 ms] fetch
  314. [0.05 ms] prepare
  315. [15.2 ms] SELECT DISTINCT `a4`.`id` FROM `ads__model__advertisement` `a4` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__contact_group` `c5` ON `a4`.`contact_group_id` = `c5`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__advertiser` `c6` ON `c5`.`advertiser_id` = `c6`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__company` `c7` ON `c6`.`company_id` = `c7`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__payer` `c8` ON `a4`.`payer_id` = `c8`.`id` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__advertisement_price` `a5` ON `a4`.`id` = `a5`.`advertisement_id` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__measuring_unit` `a6` ON `a5`.`measuring_unit_id` = `a6`.`id` WHERE `a4`.`id` IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 2
    • bindings:
    • 21466
    • 21470
    • 21527
    • 21542
    • 21572
    • 21578
    • 21601
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    • 22970
  316. [0.07 ms] fetch all
  317. [0.06 ms] prepare
  318. [3.52 ms] SELECT `a`.`id` AS `a__id`, `a`.`title` AS `a__title`, `a`.`description` AS `a__description`, `a`.`revision` AS `a__revision`, `a`.`advertiser_id` AS `a__advertiser_id`, `a`.`contact_group_id` AS `a__contact_group_id`, `a`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a__attribute_group_id`, `a`.`category_id` AS `a__category_id`, `a`.`images` AS `a__images`, `a`.`locked_by` AS `a__locked_by`, `a`.`approved` AS `a__approved`, `a`.`last_message` AS `a__last_message`, `a`.`last_resolution` AS `a__last_resolution`, `a`.`last_moderator_changes` AS `a__last_moderator_changes`, `a`.`retail_available` AS `a__retail_available`, `a`.`wholesale_available` AS `a__wholesale_available`, `a`.`payer_id` AS `a__payer_id`, `a`.`created` AS `a__created`, `a`.`changed` AS `a__changed`, `c`.`id` AS `c__id`, `c`.`1c_id` AS `c__1c_id`, `c`.`name` AS `c__name`, `c`.`phones` AS `c__phones`, `c`.`address_id` AS `c__address_id`, `c`.`advertiser_id` AS `c__advertiser_id`, `c`.`payer_id` AS `c__payer_id`, `c`.`email` AS `c__email`, `c`.`revision` AS `c__revision`, `c`.`approved` AS `c__approved`, `c`.`locked_by` AS `c__locked_by`, `c`.`last_messsage` AS `c__last_messsage`, `c`.`last_resolution` AS `c__last_resolution`, `c`.`last_moderator_changes` AS `c__last_moderator_changes`, `c`.`keywords` AS `c__keywords`, `c2`.`id` AS `c2__id`, `c2`.`company_id` AS `c2__company_id`, `c2`.`1c_locked` AS `c2__1c_locked`, `c2`.`command_id` AS `c2__command_id`, `c2`.`approved` AS `c2__approved`, `c2`.`is_paying` AS `c2__is_paying`, `c2`.`main_payer_id` AS `c2__main_payer_id`, `c2`.`description` AS `c2__description`, `c2`.`email` AS `c2__email`, `c2`.`website` AS `c2__website`, `c3`.`id` AS `c3__id`, `c3`.`has_logo` AS `c3__has_logo`, `c3`.`unp` AS `c3__unp`, `c3`.`property_type_id` AS `c3__property_type_id`, `c3`.`name` AS `c3__name`, `c3`.`phone1` AS `c3__phone1`, `c3`.`phone2` AS `c3__phone2`, `c3`.`legal_address_id` AS `c3__legal_address_id`, `c3`.`real_address_id` AS `c3__real_address_id`, `c3`.`template_id` AS `c3__template_id`, `c3`.`1c_id` AS `c3__1c_id`, `c3`.`locked_by` AS `c3__locked_by`, `c3`.`original_company_id` AS `c3__original_company_id`, `c4`.`id` AS `c4__id`, `c4`.`company_id` AS `c4__company_id`, `c4`.`balance` AS `c4__balance`, `c4`.`1c_locked` AS `c4__1c_locked`, `c4`.`command_id` AS `c4__command_id`, `c4`.`approved` AS `c4__approved`, `c4`.`manager_1c_id` AS `c4__manager_1c_id`, `a2`.`id` AS `a2__id`, `a2`.`advertisement_id` AS `a2__advertisement_id`, `a2`.`measuring_unit_id` AS `a2__measuring_unit_id`, `a2`.`price` AS `a2__price`, `a3`.`id` AS `a3__id`, `a3`.`name` AS `a3__name`, `a3`.`attribute_group_id` AS `a3__attribute_group_id` FROM `ads__model__advertisement` `a` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__contact_group` `c` ON `a`.`contact_group_id` = `c`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__advertiser` `c2` ON `c`.`advertiser_id` = `c2`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__company` `c3` ON `c2`.`company_id` = `c3`.`id` LEFT JOIN `companies__model__payer` `c4` ON `a`.`payer_id` = `c4`.`id` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__advertisement_price` `a2` ON `a`.`id` = `a2`.`advertisement_id` LEFT JOIN `ads__model__measuring_unit` `a3` ON `a2`.`measuring_unit_id` = `a3`.`id` WHERE `a`.`id` IN ('21542', '22225') AND (`a`.`id` IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)) ORDER BY rand()
    • bindings:
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  319. [0.08 ms] fetch
  320. [0.08 ms] fetch
  321. [0.04 ms] fetch

Memory Usage

Controller: 4613.19K

Custom Timers

Controller: 556.64 ms

Overall Timers

Avg: 1835.25 ms / 1 requests
Min: 1835.25 ms
Max: 1835.25 ms

Reset timers by sending ZFDEBUG_RESET as a GET/POST parameter

Registered Instances

Oir_View_Forms =>
Zend_View_Helper_Doctype => ArrayObject Object()
Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object()
acl => Zend_Acl Object()
config => Zend_Config Object()
currencyCache => Zend_Cache_Core Object()
imgp => Oir_Helper_Image Object()
lang => Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array Object()
log => Oir_Logger Object()
navigation => Zend_Navigation Object()
sitemapCache => Zend_Cache_Core Object()
user => NULL
copyright 1.11.0/5.3.8-1~dotdeb.1variables Variablesfile 333 Filesdoctrine 321 in 97.34 msmemory 12792K of 128Mtime 1835.25 msregistry Registry (12)«